BEAUTY Art O'Living
02-06-24 10:58
BEAUTY Art O'Living
BeYou, BeBeautiful, BeAstonishing
Living the best version of yourself. Being your best self, living in connection with yourself and with others is of essence. Love is important. Self-love is important. Love is the glue. Love connects. Love for music. Love for culture. Love for eachother.
Your Wellness journey
Wil jij de beste versie van jouwZELF leven, dan ben je - en BLIJF je - bezig met persoonlijke groei en persoonlijke ontwikkeling.
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling - de ontwikkeling van eigen talent, eigen potentieel en zelfbewustzijn, alsmede het vergroten van de kwaliteit van leven - vindt het hele leven plaats.
If you want to live Your-BEST-LIFE, you will want to live the BEST-VERSION-of-Yourself.
In that case, you are - and CONTINUE to be - busy with personal growth and personal development all of your life; engaging in personal talent, personal potential. selfawareness, problemsolving. (Psyche - mind, body and spirit).
Enjoy and be inspired:
“What does it mean to be yourself?”
© TEDx Talks - What Does it Mean To Be Yourself | Carly Sotas | TEDxYouth@Granville - Youtube
Stay Healthy
Never Give Up
Be Bold
Please Be Well! 💕
Auteur: José, J.L. Daemen,
counselor & coach / mediator / registervertrouwenspersoon